Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"Who Wears the Pants? A Macbeth Story." by 2real Hodge

Ok, I have NO rubric on me, but I just remembered my Blogger information and I don't feel like writing an essay comparing and contrasting two movies that 67% of the class paid no attention to. If for some strange reason a person was interested in "MacBeth" and for an even stranger reason asked my opinion on which of the two movies he/she should watch to gain a better understanding, I'd tell 'em that's a difficult question to answer. Each movie was titled "MacBeth" and each movie had the same plot and characters. However, the differences between the two are the as numerous as the difference between night and day.

The play version, for example, looks like night...the whole play...even the stuff that should've been in broad daylight. There was no scenery, no props, no effects, no make-up(which would've been useful), and clearly no room in the filmakers budget. The setting appeared as this greenish-gray the entire and characters wore the same clothes throughout the movie. The tip of the iceburg has to be how ugly everyone was. I was sitting wondering, "Is everyone a witch?"

Before I digress(might be spelled wrong) to far I feel my reviewers should at least know what the story's about. In a nutshell, MacBeth is a story of ambition turned to greed as a respected warrior catches wind of a prophecy from three witches promising him to be King of the land...then he dies :)

Contrasting the play version was the movie version. The movie version had spectacular scenary, the actors had wardrobe, the movie had extras, and the actors weren't nearly as ugly as in the play.

So a person asking me may assume I preferred the movie version...and they'd be wrong. I am the only person in any class in america that preferred the play version and there are several reasons why. The play stayed more with the story than the movie. In the play version, Lady MacBeth was the aggressor and primary influence for the pending murders as Shakespeare intended. While in the movie she was just an addict that didn't do much, while MacBeth did everything. I mostly preferred the play because the acting was INCREDIBLE.

In closing, as to which is better, it depends...If you're looking for the story of "MacBeth" being "entertaining" see the movie. If you want to see a low-budget rendition of the story told EXACTLY as it was intended, see the play version.




  2. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your thoughts. I especially appreciate your observation of the role of Lady Macbeth in each film. The first film honestly portrays the pure wickedness of Lady Macbeth and her role as a catalyst to Macbeth's decisions and actions. In the second film, Lady Macbeth was kind of a wuss.

    I must challenge, however, with your estimated percentage of people who were actually paying attention to the film. I at least hope that more than half of the class was truly engaged in the viewing of this most dark and dismal of Shakespeare's tragedies (especially since we have a test on Monday).

    Thanks for your insightful post!

  3. i enjoy ready use huge essay. it just caught my attention
