Thursday, January 21, 2010


Comparing both movies we saw in LA4, is like comparing a bit intresting with very much boring.
Yes, both films have similarities such as the title, etc. But the differences are so far apart that it's like if you weren't comparing both versions.
First of all, a huge difference was the scenery. There would be something wrong with anyone who would say that a low-budget, black-greenish, foggy background is the same as a background that obviously had money put into it and of course, has color and meaning to it!
Another difference, I hate to admit, is the acting. Even though the modern Macbeth movie was good, the characters' acting came short to the ones from the play. You couldn't expect more or less from the movie. The play, even though they didn't have much to work with, they put effort and determination into the work. You can clearly tell that it was more than just a role to the actors.
The similarities I found between them was that both films had the same name of characters, the same dialouge, and the same beginning, middle, and end. The people that were supposed to die, died. And the ones who were supposed to be alive, remained that way. In either of versions, I still couldn't understand what they were saying. They all talk wierd and that's what killed the modern movie. It's supposed to be modern??
At the end, the differences don't matter because both sides achieved getting across the whole point of the story of Macbeth to the readers/audience.
I liked the modern Macbeth just because the killing scenes were realistic and they had guns.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I totally agree that the acting wasn't as good as it was in the play than in the movie. The actors in the play were more passionate than the ones in the movie.
