Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have to admitt William Shakespears play to me wasnt all that intresting to me. both the movie and the play dont really intrest me. The old english that i could barley even understand was most of the reason i didnt really enjoy it but as i was explained what had happened in the story it was pretty intense. I enjoyed Sonnet 130 more than this play. This isnt something I would ever read but if I were to rate this play, Iwould probably give it a four.


Comparing both movies we saw in LA4, is like comparing a bit intresting with very much boring.
Yes, both films have similarities such as the title, etc. But the differences are so far apart that it's like if you weren't comparing both versions.
First of all, a huge difference was the scenery. There would be something wrong with anyone who would say that a low-budget, black-greenish, foggy background is the same as a background that obviously had money put into it and of course, has color and meaning to it!
Another difference, I hate to admit, is the acting. Even though the modern Macbeth movie was good, the characters' acting came short to the ones from the play. You couldn't expect more or less from the movie. The play, even though they didn't have much to work with, they put effort and determination into the work. You can clearly tell that it was more than just a role to the actors.
The similarities I found between them was that both films had the same name of characters, the same dialouge, and the same beginning, middle, and end. The people that were supposed to die, died. And the ones who were supposed to be alive, remained that way. In either of versions, I still couldn't understand what they were saying. They all talk wierd and that's what killed the modern movie. It's supposed to be modern??
At the end, the differences don't matter because both sides achieved getting across the whole point of the story of Macbeth to the readers/audience.
I liked the modern Macbeth just because the killing scenes were realistic and they had guns.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rachel Camacho The comparisons of Macbeth

Although both movies have the same title they had many differences and some similarities. The old version of Macbeth had no scenery which just created confusion of where they were, on the other hand the new version of Macbeth had a scenery and gave the audience a feel of where they were the whole time which also made the movie more interesting. In the new version of Macbeth, the actors do not do a good job with their characters while in the older version they put emotion into the characters they are playing. Although they are very different they have similarities as well.
Both movies had a lot of suspense, when viewing them i found myself on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. They also spoke in the same dialect which caused some confusion in what they were saying. Although there was confusion they were both very interesting and are both very good to watch. I preferred the newer version of Macbeth only because of the fact that it was a modern version rather than the Macbeth with no background. Overall though, they were both well done.

Macbeth vs Macbeth

Macbeth was a performer in a William Shakespeare play. In my LA4 class we watch two different versions of the play. The first film started with Ian Mckellen, and the more modern film started with Sam worthington. these two films have many similarities and differences.
Both of the films have in common such as the dialogue. pretty much the more modern version has the same plot such as making Macbeth as king or leader. another thing is that they have all the same chacaters such as Macbeth of course, lady Macbeth, Mcduff, lady Macduff, the werid Witches, and etc.
The difference are the Witches. In the first film they were ugly and hidious but in the second version they were young, and pretty. Another thing is that Macbeth was younger, and Lady Macbeth was way more beautiful than the first version. Another thing is that the way they killed is so different. The first film they used swords to kill but the newer version they used guns. their acting was totally different. The main thing is that instead taking place in a forest or in a dark area, the newer version took place in a house, city and it was sunny.

Alexandra A.

Yes we can go on and on about how the acting of both movies was quit different. In my opinion the play wasn't as entertaining as the movie was, simply because you couldn't understand what they were saying half the time. One of the differences that i noticed was that in the movie Lady Macbeth and Macbeth were in the cemetery over their child's grave. Which i found strange because in the play there wasn't a mentioned that they ever had a kid. But i guess that gave the movie a bit of a new outlook.
Even though the movies were both made in different times it still didn't loose the main point to kill King Duncun. In both movies Lady Macbeth was still underneath the plan. The fact that Lady Macbeth was still manipulating Macbeth in order to get what they both wanted was no different than the play. So in other word Lady Macbeth still wore the pants in the relationship.

Sam Worthington Trivia Game

Hi everyone,

This is not really related to Macbeth, but here's some fun trivia: what new movie is Sam Worthington the star of? (Worthington is the actor who plays Macbeth in the newer film version we watched.)

Any guesses?
hey everyone,first of all idk if im writing in the right area,so im going to hope i am lol.
The very first one we watched was what i call BORING i didnt understand what they were talking about 88% of the time. lol The second one was much easier for me to follow because it was presented in a very different way that was appealing. With that said i will like to add that both of them completed the goal of getting the point across..and telling the story of Macbeth.

"Who Wears the Pants? A Macbeth Story." by 2real Hodge

Ok, I have NO rubric on me, but I just remembered my Blogger information and I don't feel like writing an essay comparing and contrasting two movies that 67% of the class paid no attention to. If for some strange reason a person was interested in "MacBeth" and for an even stranger reason asked my opinion on which of the two movies he/she should watch to gain a better understanding, I'd tell 'em that's a difficult question to answer. Each movie was titled "MacBeth" and each movie had the same plot and characters. However, the differences between the two are the as numerous as the difference between night and day.

The play version, for example, looks like night...the whole play...even the stuff that should've been in broad daylight. There was no scenery, no props, no effects, no make-up(which would've been useful), and clearly no room in the filmakers budget. The setting appeared as this greenish-gray the entire and characters wore the same clothes throughout the movie. The tip of the iceburg has to be how ugly everyone was. I was sitting wondering, "Is everyone a witch?"

Before I digress(might be spelled wrong) to far I feel my reviewers should at least know what the story's about. In a nutshell, MacBeth is a story of ambition turned to greed as a respected warrior catches wind of a prophecy from three witches promising him to be King of the land...then he dies :)

Contrasting the play version was the movie version. The movie version had spectacular scenary, the actors had wardrobe, the movie had extras, and the actors weren't nearly as ugly as in the play.

So a person asking me may assume I preferred the movie version...and they'd be wrong. I am the only person in any class in america that preferred the play version and there are several reasons why. The play stayed more with the story than the movie. In the play version, Lady MacBeth was the aggressor and primary influence for the pending murders as Shakespeare intended. While in the movie she was just an addict that didn't do much, while MacBeth did everything. I mostly preferred the play because the acting was INCREDIBLE.

In closing, as to which is better, it depends...If you're looking for the story of "MacBeth" being "entertaining" see the movie. If you want to see a low-budget rendition of the story told EXACTLY as it was intended, see the play version.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

macbeth comparisons

By viewing both the new and old version i notice many similarities and differences. Some similarities were the characters and their roles that they had to play. I also notice that they had the same names they didn't change them like they would in other movies. Also they wanted the same thing to be kings. But i also notice their was more differences then similarities. Their was color to it and also this second version showed more background about the characters then the original movie. For example in the original version they did not showed us that macbeth had a son and in this version they showed us that and more. In this version it was not about ruling a kingdom it was a mafia kind of gang. Also they use guns and it was more exciting bacause of all the bloody sences and reality their was to it. To me this second version was much better then the first one. But i think we should have watch the whole thing not just little parts out of it.

Comparison Of Macbeth By: Matthew Chamale

Macbeth is one of the many tragedies that William Shakespheare wrote when he was alive. Macbeth brings a lot of scary and dark feelings into the reader. As this tragedy gives a lot of sense of evil all around it by the way the characters and background act and seem very raging throughout the whole story line. Many films have been made following the play called "The Tragedy of Macbeth". In the first film ever made of Macbeth starring Ian Mckellen and Judy Dench is made as a play. The characters were filmed while they were acting in the play. The play gives a feeling of horror since the beginning throughout the end . As years pass they made another film more modern then the other one. Released in 2007 starring Sam Worthington playing as Macbeth. Just like the first film it gives us the fierce acting and background. Yet, they both have some similaries and differences in them.
In the first film made in 1979 the play gived a good vibe on how crazy Macbeth was turning into a murder more than a king instead of what the witches said he would become. Macbeth seem very evil and storming ready to become king killing everybody that gets in his way. The same feeling the modern movie gives us. It too shows us that Macbeth was so impatient to become ruler or the king of his people. In the film he shoots everybody that is a threat and lies about it. The difference between the old film and the new one besides the way they dress and how they use guns, and cars is the way the characters act. The old one makes the character come more alive in the way they show their expressions and feelings on the scene. The modern one shows more action and more blood but is missing the sense of the way the character is.
If I had to choose between first film and the modren one it would be the first film. The film shows in the play real characters that come alive in front of your face and, in my opinion thats very important for the the viwer and the reader. That's what the new one is missing in the characters. So at the end they both turned out to have very important similaries and differences that affect the climax of the movie

Alejandra Flores

There where many differences and similarities between the first film version of Macbeth starring Ian McKellen and Judy Dench, and the more modern film version starring Sam Worthington and Victoria Hill. One of the many similarities was the plot. The characters in both of the films had the same plot. The plot contained the mood and dialogue. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's purpose was to make him the guy that is on top of everyone else and rules every single person, the king, the boss. They all had the same mood, which was ambition and did everything it took to accomplish what they wanted, but was all temporary. The characters spoke the same language and spoke the same things in both of the films.

The differences in these two films were the setting, costumes, and most importantly the camera angles. The setting in the second film was modern compared to the first film. It contained music but most of all it had action. The first film, or play, had a black background and they had access to limited things because it was a drama so we had to use our imagination for most of the parts. Costumes was also a big difference. In the first film they used repeated close most of the time and only wore dark colors to match with the background and also so that the character could stand out in front of the audience. In the modern movie, the actors used different fancy clothing for different scenes to make it neat and more attractive. The camera angles in the play were simple, had the object centered, and had almost no movement at all. In the second film, the camera angles made the film more enthusiastic. The camera moved along with the music and made its focus on the main object. It had zoom in and zoom out with different angle measurements, which showed the action parts more exciting to the audience. In my opinion, I liked the second film better than the first one since the scenery made a huge difference between both of them.

isabella montano

The Macbeth play written by: William Shakespeare. Has many similarities the scenes are alike in a way they both have whats expected to happen in them. Some similarities that the play and the movie version have is they have the same dialogue first of all the characters, plot and the fact that macbeth wants to be king are the same. My favorite version of this play is the movie because the actors are better looking the acting is more entertaining and their better dressed & the setting of the movie is more comprehendable then the play the witches are more seductive in the movie.

Brenda Rosales

Macbeth is a great play written by William Shakespeare. There's a modern version and a updated version. The version that I like best is the updated one because the background is more appealing as well as the actors they were attractive and the viewer can actually comprehend what the actors are saying. I found this version much more interesting because it had more action specially in the murder scene when Macbeth kills the king. One thing that I disliked about the second movie was that the actors weren't doing there job "ACTING." In the modern version the actors did a great job playing there character because they showed emotion witch helped set the background in a scene. There was many similarities and differences in both movies. One difference was that in the new version they choked Lady Macduff, and in the old they slid her throat.
a similarity is that both movies portray William Shakespeare's play.

Roger's Comparison of the two Macbeth Films

I felt that Macbeth the play and Macbeth the movie were both similar. Although I clearly prefer the movie over the play, they both had their similarities. Both the movie and the play pretty much followed the same Dialouge, had the same characters and for the most part it had the same plot. The Macbeth from the movie was equally as corrupt as the Macbeth from the play and the Lady Macbeth from the movie was just as insane as the Lady Macbeth from the play. I felt that in both incarnations all the characters played their parts perfectly to the point that even though I was watching two different versions I felt that the characters were very similar because of their actions and the storylines and dialouges were similar so that made it easier to see the similarities.

However everything has to evolve and thus the play macbeth was remade into a modern day movie. There are so many differences between The play and The movie that I will try to list as many as I can without running out of space. I think the biggest difference between the two is the scenery. The play bored me so much because I couldn't stand to just watch a black background with a guy or group of guys talking. However the movie was actually very entertaining because I could actually feel the atmosphere and actually understand for the most part what was going on. Another difference between the first movie and the second movie is that even though the plot was the same the roles were changed around. Since the movie was made in modern times many of the roles were changed so that they would keep up with modern times. Instead of becoming king Macbeth became the leader of a gang. Likewise instead of riding horses they drive motorcycles or horses. Instead of using swords, they use guns. Although I did find it entertaining to see how well they adapted it to a modern version I prefered it how it was originally meant to be.

To conclude I prefer the movie over the play because it had a scenery which caught my attention, plenty of action(even though most of it was skipped >.>) and lastly I actually found alot of the actresses in the movie to be attractive unlike in the play, where every character was really ugly. The only thing I liked about the play is that it followed the original story.

Monday, January 18, 2010

manuel anaya

In the Shakespearean play "Macbeth".The 1900's movie and the 20th century movie there were many differences and similarities.
In the first movie the acting was really good,you could actually follow what was going on in the scenes,but in the second movie they were too into the "looks" and not the beauty of the play.The first one was going by the book;word by word,scene by scene.But the second one added and deducted many parts that once attracted many readers.The beauty of the movie industries took away the beauty of Shakespeare great poetic work.

There were many similarities the scenes were alike they both contributed to what was expected to happened throughout the time being.The characters were the same.The scenery was alike,they both happened in a sort of castle looking place.the witches contributed a lot with both movies without them i think this movie would of never been successful.For me i didn't like Shakespeare work is good but not my type of reading.But is good for those who like Shakespeare's work.

Monica Valdez

Even though there were many similarities and differences between the films, they were both pleasant. A huge contrast between both films was the acting. On the first film the acting was really good and of high quality. It helped the non-background scenes be unnoticeable. Also, it resembled every scene brilliantly. In contrast, in the modern film the acting was alright. Many of the Macbeth scenes were not portrayed as well as the play. The play contained more emotion.
In comparison, some of the scenes were alike even though they were both done in different versions. For example, a similar scene was when the witches are foreshadowing Macbeth's future. In the first film, the witches are brainwashing him in that he is going to become king by continually saying, "All hail Macbeth." In the modern film they are telling him the same prophesies, but it is done is a seducing manner. Although they were done or acted in different ways, it was clearly understandable what the witches were doing. In my opinion, I prefer the first film starring Ian Mckellen and Judy Dench. It was easier to understand.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hi everyone! Here is the prompt for your first post:

Compare and contrast the first film version of Macbeth we viewed in class and the more modern film version we saw last week. In the blog post, include and analyze at least one difference and one similarity between the two versions. Your comparison might discuss plot, setting, mood, characters, dialogue, lighting, costumes, camera angles, etc. Be thorough in your analysis. You may also state which version you prefer.

For this assignment, you may use first person; however, please remember to use proper English language conventions (e.g., avoid using “omg,” etc.) Also, it would be wise to use spellcheck.

To add your post, click on the link in the upper right hand corner that says, "NEW POST." Please be sure to include your name in the title of your post. Also, it's VERY IMPORTANT TO INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME AS A LABEL FOR YOUR POST! Without doing so, you will not receive credit.

DUE WED, JAN 20, 2010 no later than 11:59PM

P.S. You are always more than welcome to email me with any questions.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Hi everyone! Welcome to your class's weblog!

Here are the posts you are responsible for:

- 1 post about the film version of Macbeth
- 2 responses to others' posts about the film version

Please remember proper ettiquete and type your posts in academic English. Also, please be courteous on this blog. If you write something inappropriate, you will receive a 0 on the assignment and further disciplinary measures may be taken.

I'm looking forward to reading all of your insightful responses!

Ms. Kang